Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Is Corelle Plates Has A Melamine

Special elections / results list Adc / DC

Joseph Alfano 961
Antonella Buono 260
Caio D'Onofrio 397
Ivan Corrado 3613
Domenico Crescenzo 1800
Hortensius De Feo 1300
Maria De Prisco 233
Gerald Fausto 304
Joseph Funicelli 2911
Mattea La Rocca said Marina 653
Oreste Strianese 1429 Total votes
List (Salerno constituency) 14,518 2.64%
The Alliance for Downtown / Christian Democratic Party has elected a representative in the Regional Council. This is Hector Zecchino, a candidate for the Dc-dc in the district of Avellino.
expressed satisfaction for the victory of the center nationally and in Campania by ' on. Giuseppe Pizza, national secretary of the Christian Democrats and Secretary of State for Education, University and Scientific Research: " Caldoro is the right man to overcome, and finally, the many emergencies that have stifled the development of the region and which have compromised the im image, even at international level." "A New Renaissance - continues Giuseppe Pizza - c he can have huge deposits of Cultural Heritage in one of the most interesting p er promote tourism development and economic recovery employment. "With Minister Bondi love Have scheduled the reopening of the Villa of the Papyri at Herculaneum, the most important archaeological site in Europe Western explored so far only ten percent - said Giuseppe Pizza, State Secretary, Ministry of Education and owner of the delegation for Applied Research in the Arts. - The orientation Caldoro declared by the Governor to work on quality projects and major cultural and social worker is on the same wavelength. "With the Campania Region - Pizza says - we can open a virtuous circle, in respect of the roles and mutual responsibilities. "


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