Tuesday, March 23, 2010

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Regional 2010: here's how you vote

Sunday 28 and Monday 29 March, about 5 million voters in Campania will be called to elect the President of the Board and 60 members of the Regional Council. To exercise this right, voters must present al seggio di riferimento muniti di scheda elettorale e documento di riconoscimento valido.
Il Presidente è eletto quando, a votazione ultimata, lo scrutinio decreterà vincitore il candidato che avrà conseguito il maggior numero di voti validi in ambito regionale. Il Presidente è anche componente del Consiglio regionale, così come il candidato alla carica di Presidente della Giunta regionale che ha conseguito un numero di voti validi immediatamente inferiore a quello del candidato proclamato eletto Presidente.
Il Consiglio Regionale si compone di 60 consiglieri eletti nelle rispettive circoscrizioni elettorali delle 5 province campane: Napoli (32 consiglieri), Salerno (11), Caserta (9), Avellino (5), Benevento (3).
councilors are elected for its proportionate share, based on a special form with the application of a provincial majority bonus linked to the president-elect.
The vote for the election of the President of the Regional Council and Regional Council for the election takes place on a single card. The card contains the full names of the candidates for President, at whose side are given the symbol of the group of symbols or lists of lists of groups joined in a coalition with which the candidate is attached.
Each voter may, by a single vote, choose a candidate for president and one of the lists attached to it, tracing a sign on one of the lists. In the event that the voter draws a single tab to sign a list, the vote also means expressed in favor of presidential candidate connected with it. Each voter can also vote for a candidate for President, not connected to the select list. This is the case when it comes to voting disjoint.
The new electoral law also provides the opportunity to make a double preference, in which the voter can express a preference or two votes, but in this case, one of two preferences must relate to the female candidate be void of the second preference. When the voter speaks voting for a candidate preference for President and more than one list, will be considered valid only presidential candidate to vote, but will be considered null and void the votes of the list.
Under the majority premium, finally, the linked list to the candidate declared elected as President of the Regional obtain at least 60% of seats in the Council, if the President has achieved more than 45% of valid votes (at least they get 55% if the President has obtained less than 45% of valid votes). In calculating the percentages of seats in the Council shall not be counted the seat of the Council, by statute, the President-elect.
Regionali.it-freedom communications

Video a cura dell'Ufficio elettorale e del Settore Stampa della Regione Campania


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