Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Does Red Wine Cause Palpitations

Regional Network 4 2010: Mr tour. Pizza in the province of Salerno

This concludes the first election tour by Secretary of Education, University and Research as well as national secretary of the Christian Democrats, Joseph Pizza, which on Monday (March 15, 2010) took part in numerous meetings in the province of Salerno, in view of the elections (for the municipalities concerned) and regional (where the Christian Democratic Alliance will run together Center). Among the other was a special day for the Hon. Giuseppe Pizza, arrived at Salerno a few hours after confirmation to lead the national party.

first stop in Contursi Terme , where institutional capacity, the Secretary was welcomed by Mayor Giocomo Rosa, where he took part in the conference discussion on "Reform Gelmini" at the Aula Magna Isii "Corbino" . Present directors and mayors of neighboring municipalities, school administrators and teachers. Then stop in Montecorvino Rovella where the Hon. Pizza has opened the campaign Caio D'Onofrio (former mayor of Montecorvino) candidate for the Regional Council of Campania by ADC-DC. Present in the former Magistrates Court, as well as the candidate the provincial secretary, Luigi Pizza, the national secretary Peter Landolfi and can didate for mayor Giuseppe D'Aiutolo. The Secretary has implemented the required Gunta by those present and particularly has pledged to build a new school in the territory of Montecorvino Rovella. Appointment at Eboli (at the provincial headquarters of the DC) where he was welcomed by the provincial deputy secretary, Francis Gaudreault that made the list Democrats running for municipal Eboli in support of candidacy for mayor of Vito Busillo. During the meeting were also presented the two candidates for the Regional Council with the list Dc-dc, An Tonella Good and Marina La Rocca . Many people who took part in a Castel San Giorgio , where he opened the campaign Giuseppe Alfano. With him, the candidate for mayor Franco Longanella that the list submitted to the Secretary for the local authorities. A fresh commitment by Mr. Pizza for Castel San Giorgio for the construction of a scuolsa secondary education. Last stop in Sarno, in the council, where he presented the young Domenico Crescenzo (DC current council leader in Sarno) candidate for regional elections. With him on the municipal council of Pagani, Gaetano Tortora who announced his support for the Christian Democrats.


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