Tuesday, March 30, 2010

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Special Elections / Pizza "Great satisfaction for the results achieved'

The Provincial Secretary of the Christian Democrats, Dr. Luigi Pizza, welcomed the victory of Caldoro and center-right coalition in Campania ADC with the help of the list - the Christian Democrats who stood in the constituency Salerno to 2.64%.

great satisfaction, in addition, the affirmation of the Christian Democrats in the communes of Cava de 'Tirreni with the election in the first round of professor Marco Galdi the office of mayor and John Salsano first elected to the list Christian Democratic Party; of Montecorvino Rovella with the election of Joseph D'Aiutolo and two councilmen Dc ( Sabatino Morretta - first elected and Peter Landolfi , national secretary of the Christian Democrats) of Castel San Giorgio with ' election as mayor of Dr. Franco and Longanella of Councillor Joseph Alfano (national secretary of the Christian Democrats)

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Special elections / results list Adc / DC

Joseph Alfano 961
Antonella Buono 260
Caio D'Onofrio 397
Ivan Corrado 3613
Domenico Crescenzo 1800
Hortensius De Feo 1300
Maria De Prisco 233
Gerald Fausto 304
Joseph Funicelli 2911
Mattea La Rocca said Marina 653
Oreste Strianese 1429 Total votes
List (Salerno constituency) 14,518 2.64%
The Alliance for Downtown / Christian Democratic Party has elected a representative in the Regional Council. This is Hector Zecchino, a candidate for the Dc-dc in the district of Avellino.
expressed satisfaction for the victory of the center nationally and in Campania by ' on. Giuseppe Pizza, national secretary of the Christian Democrats and Secretary of State for Education, University and Scientific Research: " Caldoro is the right man to overcome, and finally, the many emergencies that have stifled the development of the region and which have compromised the im image, even at international level." "A New Renaissance - continues Giuseppe Pizza - c he can have huge deposits of Cultural Heritage in one of the most interesting p er promote tourism development and economic recovery employment. "With Minister Bondi love Have scheduled the reopening of the Villa of the Papyri at Herculaneum, the most important archaeological site in Europe Western explored so far only ten percent - said Giuseppe Pizza, State Secretary, Ministry of Education and owner of the delegation for Applied Research in the Arts. - The orientation Caldoro declared by the Governor to work on quality projects and major cultural and social worker is on the same wavelength. "With the Campania Region - Pizza says - we can open a virtuous circle, in respect of the roles and mutual responsibilities. "

Thursday, March 25, 2010

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Aggression to the candidate Antonella Buono, the solidarity of the Christian Democratic electoral

The Provincial Secretary of the Christian Democrats of Salerno, Dr. Luigi Pizza, expresses piena solidarietà alla candidata della Democrazia Cristiana al Consiglio Regionale della Campania, Antonella Buono per l’atto di barbaria e teppismo di cui è stata vittima durante il comizio di mercoledì sera in piazza Caduti di Brescia di Salerno, auspicando che le forze dell’ordine individuino tempestivamente i responsabili di questo vile ed inqualificabile gesto.

Questo pomeriggio la candidata Buono ha incontrato il Questore di Salerno, per poi incontrare la stampa, alla presenza dell'onorevole Francesco Pionati (leader dell'Alleanza di Centro). Il Questore ha rassicurato tempestive indagini per l'individuazione dei responsabili.

Solidarietà è stata espressa anche dal Presidente della Provincia di Salerno Edmondo Cirielli, che ha dichiarato: «Sento di dover esprimere la mia solidarietà e vicinanza alla candidata Antonella Buono minacciata ed aggredita, insieme con la madre e la sorella, durante un comizio pubblico da due attacchini di De Luca. Chiedo venga fatta luce sull’episodio da parte delle forze dell’ordine, perché il gesto vile dei due aggressori è un tangibile esempio di applicazione di metodi stalinisti appartenenti ad alcuni soggetti che hanno incentrato la loro campagna elettorale in un clima di arroganza e sopraffazione e non incline ad un confronto civile e dignitoso. Mi auguro che gli autori dell’inqualificabile gesto siano individuati con celerità dalle autorità preposte, perché prevail justice and legality in this stretch of the campaign. The women took the field with the center in this electoral race is an example of a possible change. The attack suffered by good example, unfortunately, what is still in use in certain political prevarication on women, political parties active in the center-which has set aside consideration and respect. "

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

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Matches: Mattea Pontecagnano La Rocca, Antonella Buono at Eboli

Dating election of candidates to the Regional Council of Campania to the list Adc - the Christian Democrats. Mattea The Rock (aka Marina) met with friends and sympathizers Pontecagnano, his country of origin. To accommodate the Navy, on Tuesday evening, (March 23, 2010) the town section of the Christian Democrats, led by Guido Pappalardo.

Also Tuesday night meeting in the square for Buono Antonella (Adc other candidates on the list - the Christian Democrats) in Eboli. The young candidate has been accepted by the top people of the DC, and the deputy provincial Francis Gaudreault.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

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Regional 2010: here's how you vote

Sunday 28 and Monday 29 March, about 5 million voters in Campania will be called to elect the President of the Board and 60 members of the Regional Council. To exercise this right, voters must present al seggio di riferimento muniti di scheda elettorale e documento di riconoscimento valido.
Il Presidente è eletto quando, a votazione ultimata, lo scrutinio decreterà vincitore il candidato che avrà conseguito il maggior numero di voti validi in ambito regionale. Il Presidente è anche componente del Consiglio regionale, così come il candidato alla carica di Presidente della Giunta regionale che ha conseguito un numero di voti validi immediatamente inferiore a quello del candidato proclamato eletto Presidente.
Il Consiglio Regionale si compone di 60 consiglieri eletti nelle rispettive circoscrizioni elettorali delle 5 province campane: Napoli (32 consiglieri), Salerno (11), Caserta (9), Avellino (5), Benevento (3).
councilors are elected for its proportionate share, based on a special form with the application of a provincial majority bonus linked to the president-elect.
The vote for the election of the President of the Regional Council and Regional Council for the election takes place on a single card. The card contains the full names of the candidates for President, at whose side are given the symbol of the group of symbols or lists of lists of groups joined in a coalition with which the candidate is attached.
Each voter may, by a single vote, choose a candidate for president and one of the lists attached to it, tracing a sign on one of the lists. In the event that the voter draws a single tab to sign a list, the vote also means expressed in favor of presidential candidate connected with it. Each voter can also vote for a candidate for President, not connected to the select list. This is the case when it comes to voting disjoint.
The new electoral law also provides the opportunity to make a double preference, in which the voter can express a preference or two votes, but in this case, one of two preferences must relate to the female candidate be void of the second preference. When the voter speaks voting for a candidate preference for President and more than one list, will be considered valid only presidential candidate to vote, but will be considered null and void the votes of the list.
Under the majority premium, finally, the linked list to the candidate declared elected as President of the Regional obtain at least 60% of seats in the Council, if the President has achieved more than 45% of valid votes (at least they get 55% if the President has obtained less than 45% of valid votes). In calculating the percentages of seats in the Council shall not be counted the seat of the Council, by statute, the President-elect.
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Video a cura dell'Ufficio elettorale e del Settore Stampa della Regione Campania

Friday, March 19, 2010

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Activities To Do With Freshman

end of November working on an ECO, a short film created for the spot- competition "Action for Women."
Shot in Como on 22.12.2009

Work in progress.

Scenography almost complete.

Director in the snow.

The last touches of color.

Direction - Alessandro Riva
Beauty - Sara Alzetta Eleonora Giovanardi
assistant director and post production - Elisa Ghiretti
Director of photography - Angelo Ricci
scenography and costumes - Elena Casiglio
Makeup - Julie March
Production Assistant - Julie Nicoli
Photographs - Matthew D'Antonio


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Wake Up - Wake Up

End result, Wake Up:

Prosumer Camcorders 2010

A Scanner Darkly - A Scanner Darkly

Some pictures of the storyboard for the video for Wake Up.

And a couple of proofs:

Thursday, March 18, 2010

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Wake Up - A Scanner Darkly

In August, we began working on a new video for the artist "A Scanner Darkly ", the second taken from his album" All is lonelinees.
The song choice was "Wake up"
addition to storyboards and set design this time I also take care of costumes.


The crew in the fields of Mantua.

Marriage in the fields.

Interior Lomazzo.

Interior Lomazzo.

Interior Lomazzo.

Direction - Alessandro Riva
Production - Ghiretti Elisa, Alessandro Riva
Help - Viola Di Lauro (bride doll), Isabella Noseda Valentina Orlandi (nurse)
Assistant Director - Elisa Ghiretti
Drettore of photography - Angelo Ricci
storyboards, set design, costumes - Elena Casiglio
operator and assistant operator - Ivana Smudja
Makeup - Julie March
Production Assistant - Julie Nicoli


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Dumm - Mask dog

summer of 2009 we recorded the video clip of Dumm the title "Dog Mask," directed by Ivana Smudja.
I participated by giving a hand ... Thank you again for the costumes Ivana ... = P

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You are dust

Pictures of the storyboard of "You are dust"

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You are dust

In June we started the process of this new short film. Filmed entirely on location in Milan, the students of the School of Civic Milan under the direction of Isabella Noseda.
The whole process was not always as easy as for counterpoint, and although they are two very different works, the results are there anyway.


Adjusting James!

director and actress

Set al teatro di posa

Attrici e comparse al parco

Regia - Isabella Noseda
Soggetto - Isabella Noseda
Sceneggiatura - Isabella Noseda, Francesco Giordani, Silvia Piccone
Basato sul racconto "L'eccezione" di Isabella Noseda
Interpreti - Elisa Nardin
Donne nel parco - Giovanna Albertoni, Silvia Bernardi, Eleonora Giovanardi, Elisabetta Perotto, Mirela Spirea
Voce narrante - Giuppy Izzo
Ragazzo con sagoma - Mattia Noseda
Assistant Director and Director of Photography - Flavio Eusebio
Assistant Director - Silvia Piccone
Operators - Francesco Giordani, Flavio Eusebio
steadicam operator - Emanuele Cerri
storyboards, set design, continuity - Elena Casiglio
Sound Design - Martin Rinaldi
Re-Recording Mixers - Melcarne Elena, Alessandro Meoselli
Advice Music - Matt Noseda
Picture the scene - Donatella Simonetti
script supervisor - Federica Sozzi
Make up artists and hair stylists - Claudia D'Angelo, Juan J. Garcia, Maria Cristina Manetti
Costumes - Isabella Noseda, Federica Sozzi, Serena Guido
Director di produzione - Olga Kozarevska
Assistente di produzione - Cinzia Corpetti

35th Birthday Invitation

COUNTERPOINT - Something secret

- Seconda parte -

Alcune foto del backstage:

Parte della troupe nella location di Mantova, l'Hotel "Villa dei Tigli".

Attori e comparse durante le riprese in notturna.

Location Como, ultimi preparativi.


Wednesday, March 17, 2010

How To Buy A Black Puffle Without Being A Member

Regional 2010. Mr. Giuseppe Pizza attend the press conference broadcast on RAI-2 and Superpartes

Giovedì 18 marzo alle ore 22.05 circa il Segretario Politico Giuseppe Pizza è intervenuto su RAI 2 alla Conferenza Stampa di Rai Parlamento.
La Conferenza Stampa ha avuto la durata di 20 minuti ed è stata moderata dal Direttore Del Bufalo.

Ecco l'intervista del segretario nazionale Giuseppe Pizza

Sabato 20 Marzo, alle ore 7.30 circa, su Rete Quattro, andrà in onda l'intervista del giornalista Luigi Fenderico al Segretario Political Giuseppe Pizza, within the program Superpartes - Regional and Administrative. The same will go to reply, at about 9:00 on Channel Five and Sunday, March 21 at 7:00 am about Italy on one.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Does Red Wine Cause Palpitations

Regional Network 4 2010: Mr tour. Pizza in the province of Salerno

This concludes the first election tour by Secretary of Education, University and Research as well as national secretary of the Christian Democrats, Joseph Pizza, which on Monday (March 15, 2010) took part in numerous meetings in the province of Salerno, in view of the elections (for the municipalities concerned) and regional (where the Christian Democratic Alliance will run together Center). Among the other was a special day for the Hon. Giuseppe Pizza, arrived at Salerno a few hours after confirmation to lead the national party.

first stop in Contursi Terme , where institutional capacity, the Secretary was welcomed by Mayor Giocomo Rosa, where he took part in the conference discussion on "Reform Gelmini" at the Aula Magna Isii "Corbino" . Present directors and mayors of neighboring municipalities, school administrators and teachers. Then stop in Montecorvino Rovella where the Hon. Pizza has opened the campaign Caio D'Onofrio (former mayor of Montecorvino) candidate for the Regional Council of Campania by ADC-DC. Present in the former Magistrates Court, as well as the candidate the provincial secretary, Luigi Pizza, the national secretary Peter Landolfi and can didate for mayor Giuseppe D'Aiutolo. The Secretary has implemented the required Gunta by those present and particularly has pledged to build a new school in the territory of Montecorvino Rovella. Appointment at Eboli (at the provincial headquarters of the DC) where he was welcomed by the provincial deputy secretary, Francis Gaudreault that made the list Democrats running for municipal Eboli in support of candidacy for mayor of Vito Busillo. During the meeting were also presented the two candidates for the Regional Council with the list Dc-dc, An Tonella Good and Marina La Rocca . Many people who took part in a Castel San Giorgio , where he opened the campaign Giuseppe Alfano. With him, the candidate for mayor Franco Longanella that the list submitted to the Secretary for the local authorities. A fresh commitment by Mr. Pizza for Castel San Giorgio for the construction of a scuolsa secondary education. Last stop in Sarno, in the council, where he presented the young Domenico Crescenzo (DC current council leader in Sarno) candidate for regional elections. With him on the municipal council of Pagani, Gaetano Tortora who announced his support for the Christian Democrats.