Thursday, May 13, 2010

Sister In Law Jealous New Baby

That May 9, 1978: "Moro, a politician able to look away"

"A politician can see far and to build the future. Able to understand and mediate the arguments of others ": this is, in short, the thought of Joseph Pizza, secretary of the Christian Democrats, who got to know and to attend the National Council of Aldo Moro and the party leadership. Indeed, the last government Moro, in 1975, Giuseppe Pizza has lived near the formation of the government and retains the reverence with a letter "President". Eleven crowns in a row, facing the Palazzo Maffei, the end of Via Caetani, 32 years after that May 9, 1978. We all are. Government to Polverini, new governor of the Lazio Region, the Democratic Party to the foundations, the various parts of the Christian Democratic Associations of the Catholic world. Or missing the tribute moved the Head of State Napolitano.
"By the action of the Red Brigades - said Giuseppe Pizza - Italy found itself with more than a martyr, but has lost one of the few politicians capable of managing change in a very delicate phase of national life."
And again. "With the assassination of statesman Pugliese - Pizza still supports - the Red Brigades have achieved the exact opposite of their intentions to screw in themselves, to reach out to their dissolution and the execration of the public who wanted to foment. "
"Today the political class and the style of Aldo Moro, in the collective memory, are more alive than ever and are an important asset of the national community" - continues Pizza - "Democracy and the republican institutions owe much to President Moro, starting the sense of the state and compliance with the Charter desired by the Constituent Assembly, after the world war. Aldo Moro, five times Prime Minister, gifts di statista europeo nelle Istituzioni e nel Partito della Democrazia Cristiana, tenacemente legato allo sviluppo del Mezzogiorno quale condizione per la crescita dell’intero Paese, forse avrebbe potuto evitare una deriva pericolosa della politica e della funzione dei partiti, particolarmente evidente dopo la sua morte. La Storia, purtroppo, non si fa con i se e i ma. E la realtà degli anni novanta e di questo primo decennio del nuovo millennio non è certo delle più esaltanti.
Forse una maggiore attenzione alla lezione di Moro, non solo nella percezione dell’opinione pubblica ma anche nella stanze del potere, potrebbe essere utile per un futuro in cui le ombre sembrano a molti prevalere sugli sprazzi di luce".


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