Friday, May 14, 2010

Marg Helgenberger Plastic Surgeru

A Permanent Vacation Production

The Troupe has a site, in addition to the page on Facebook, you can also find on Vimeo, here is the address:

let us jump ! =)

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Sister In Law Jealous New Baby

That May 9, 1978: "Moro, a politician able to look away"

"A politician can see far and to build the future. Able to understand and mediate the arguments of others ": this is, in short, the thought of Joseph Pizza, secretary of the Christian Democrats, who got to know and to attend the National Council of Aldo Moro and the party leadership. Indeed, the last government Moro, in 1975, Giuseppe Pizza has lived near the formation of the government and retains the reverence with a letter "President". Eleven crowns in a row, facing the Palazzo Maffei, the end of Via Caetani, 32 years after that May 9, 1978. We all are. Government to Polverini, new governor of the Lazio Region, the Democratic Party to the foundations, the various parts of the Christian Democratic Associations of the Catholic world. Or missing the tribute moved the Head of State Napolitano.
"By the action of the Red Brigades - said Giuseppe Pizza - Italy found itself with more than a martyr, but has lost one of the few politicians capable of managing change in a very delicate phase of national life."
And again. "With the assassination of statesman Pugliese - Pizza still supports - the Red Brigades have achieved the exact opposite of their intentions to screw in themselves, to reach out to their dissolution and the execration of the public who wanted to foment. "
"Today the political class and the style of Aldo Moro, in the collective memory, are more alive than ever and are an important asset of the national community" - continues Pizza - "Democracy and the republican institutions owe much to President Moro, starting the sense of the state and compliance with the Charter desired by the Constituent Assembly, after the world war. Aldo Moro, five times Prime Minister, gifts di statista europeo nelle Istituzioni e nel Partito della Democrazia Cristiana, tenacemente legato allo sviluppo del Mezzogiorno quale condizione per la crescita dell’intero Paese, forse avrebbe potuto evitare una deriva pericolosa della politica e della funzione dei partiti, particolarmente evidente dopo la sua morte. La Storia, purtroppo, non si fa con i se e i ma. E la realtà degli anni novanta e di questo primo decennio del nuovo millennio non è certo delle più esaltanti.
Forse una maggiore attenzione alla lezione di Moro, non solo nella percezione dell’opinione pubblica ma anche nella stanze del potere, potrebbe essere utile per un futuro in cui le ombre sembrano a molti prevalere sugli sprazzi di luce".

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Mario Salieri Movies Gratis

May 9: in memory Aldo Moro

"We all think back to Aldo Moro always with great respect and deep admiration and unrelenting attention to more than thirty years after his martyrdom," said National Secretary of the Christian Democrats Joseph Pizza, with not a thought disjoint, in that tragic memory, the cowardly and criminal assassination of the five men of his escort. They share, in the painful condition, the constant thought and reverence for the ultimate sacrifice of life. " "As for our experience and training policy and institutional Pizza reiterated the call to Aldo Moro is due to a Master. For a good and gentle man, " to use the last caress of Pope Paul VI, who made many of us grow up Christian Democrats: leaving an indelible mark in our civil and political awareness. Above him we have the reasons for our political passions.
Aldo Moro represented, not just those of my generation, the highest benchmark in the ability to analyze problems of the country and the political reality in progressive configurations. As he continued the National Secretary, in an effort to understand the great cultural and social movements at the base of the powerful phenomena of transformation and innovation that invades Italy. And in the Christian Democratic Party has expressed an attempt most lucid analysis of those troubled years, right through the high and unique ideas that Aldo Moro led around the plight of young women, as a leading figure in the civil and cultural change occurred in the country. "He caught Moro E, recalled Pizza, through awareness of new questions, and the possible line of response by invoking the rise in civic consciousness, a new season of duties, in addition to the economic rights, Moro had "warned" prophetically that the emergence of new needs and of new players broke the old patterns of interpretation of social reality and discover the inadequacy of the old political culture. " "I had the personal privilege, said the Secretary-Pizza, to have known him and attended assiduously in my dual capacity as Director of the National Youth Movement of the Christian Democrats, who then had more than one million subscribers, and in that component of the Management and Executive National, along with other "horse race", including: Amintore Fanfani. And January 15, 2010, also in the institutional capacity of Secretary to the MIUR of the Berlusconi government, I had the honor of contributing to the extraordinary event at the Petruzzelli theater in Bari, the University named in her honor of the beloved land di Puglia ". "On May 16, 1959 Moro became Political Secretary of the Christian Democrats. On May 16, 1978 Moro was kidnapped by the Christian Democrats. And after more than thirty years since that fateful May 9, 1978, the day of his murder by the Red Brigades, the Secretary concluded National Pizza, we were unable to come to terms with our history: between objective and approximations striking ease ! Still introducing us to carve Aldo Moro, in the collective memory of the country and indeed the plot twisted and incomprehensible at times in history, with the posthumous appeal of Pope Paul VI: ".... Do .... Who knows our hearts to forgive the insult and unfair fatal inflicted on this man that is dear ... .. .... .. ... collect the inheritance superstite della sua diritta coscienza, del suo esempio umano e cordiale, della sua dedizione alla redenzione civile e spirituale della diletta nazione italiana”.

Il Segretario Politico
Giuseppe Pizza

Monday, May 3, 2010

Designer Wall Mirrors

In memory of Luigi Gui

Il Segretario Nazionale della Democrazia Cristiana Giuseppe Pizza ha commemorato la figura di Luigi Gui al Senato, non appena giunta la notizia della sua scomparsa: avvenuta emblematicamente il 25 Aprile scorso a Padova, all’età di 95 anni.Con Gui, ha ricordato il Segretario Politico, scompare un grande democristiano, partigiano, padre costituente della repubblica, e più volte Ministro in Dicasteri key such as: Education, Defense, Health and the inside in the fourth government Moro, from '74 to '76. The Political Thought of Gui said Pizza, identifies himself with the entire history of the Christian Democrats. Formed in the thirties in that he had fought the FUCI Aldo Moro, and had as Chaplain in the future Pope Paul VI, Gui has passed into history, said the Party Secretary, especially for the forward-looking educational reform of the '60s, that with the introduction of uniform schools adjusted in the modern reform the old Gentile. Its undisputed value, and the moral rigor that has always inspired and accompanied his every political action, have allowed to Hon. Moro, March 10, 1977, to deliver a passionate and famous speech in his defense and in defense of the whole Christian Democrats, when it was over, unusually, in the Lockheed scandal of the storm on the sale of American planes C130. Well, on that occasion, recalled the Secretary Giuseppe Pizza, was fully acquitted by the Constitutional Court, which acted as a Court of Justice Minister. Luigi Gui, reiterated the Secretary-Pizza, fully embodies, not only for us, the Christian Democrats, the rigorous example of a Catholic politician who makes history, with the privilege of an old personal friendship, cemented by the common struggles of a common ideal in Consiglio Nazionale.