Monday, March 14, 2011

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oil increases further for the problem Libya.

Libya is not so important, so as to increase the crude oil.

For the government cares only justice to intervene on prices for moderation does not affect our ministers and as always forgets to be elected by the people.


Sunday, March 13, 2011

Sweater Vest To A Wedding?


But he is black or dirty oil?


Saturday, March 12, 2011

Poems Finding Your Pregant Sister


Terremoti e tsunami in Giappone, apocalittica legge sulla giustizia troppe cose stanno accedendo tutte assieme.
Non faccio riflessioni, taccio per rispetto del popolo Giapponese.


Friday, March 11, 2011

Hives On Face From Waxing?


A me e alle persone che conosco i giudici non hanno mai fatto nulla, quindi non ho nessun problema con la giustizia.
Solo chi delinque ha problemi.



Thursday, March 10, 2011

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Members are elected for half of all the ordinary courts
between members of the same category
after the draw of the candidates, half
by Parliament in joint session between
college professors in law and lawyers with fifteen years of

The Minister of Justice to report annually on the state of justice
rooms, exercise
prosecution and use of methods of investigation. "




Monday, March 7, 2011

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front of a plain navy there are questions.


Friday, March 4, 2011

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Maybe you reach the sea but with great effort.


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Today the wind, water and stones.


Thursday, March 3, 2011

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Unfortunately .... I had to cut down a fir tree in front of the house .
are killed too.


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

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Years ago it was said that old age brings wisdom. In
distortion of the climate and the pollution is too old now means most selfish indifference.
With this definition I can understand what is happening to our politicians. I'm too old

Let us take to the streets and feel.


Saturday, February 26, 2011

Colors Exterior Red Brick


But we really are good for nothing, we make fun of us again.

We kept for decades politicians have sunk Italy.

But at least they were culturally sophisticated.

Now we have politicians who are ignorant of respect for institutions and people in Italy are sending more black background.

do not see how we could go back to the abyss, let us try first to make change la legge elettorale e poi eleggendo delle persone che rispettino il popolo e le istituzioni.




Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Why Do Scorpio Men Dissapear


Forse un giorno riuscrò a vincere. Forse un giorno riuscirò a farmi capire.
Forse un giorno riuscirò a esprimermi meglio.


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Burgo's Catch Phrase Online


Una grossa parte dell'Africa del nord cerca di scrollarsi di dosso tutti i vampiri che le succhiano il samgue, alcuni stati il popolo lo ha già fatto.
Noi che siamo molto vicini , cominciamo sentire questo vento di libertà.
Cerchiamo, senza violenza, di cacciare coloro che governano male e pensano solo ai loro interessi.


Monday, February 21, 2011

What Year Was The Holiday Movie Camera Was Made


joke, years ago, he called it, that our south, was North Africa, we hope that the desire to go to the streets to spread here too, but I would say just go to the streets.
Let's make sure our government knows that we are on the brink of crisis of acceptance.


Sunday, February 20, 2011

Can You Dip Doritos In Salsa


"I hate the cold. I believe that life should mean to be partisan. Who really can not live not a citizen and partisan.

Indifference è abulia, è parassitismo, è vigliaccheria, non è vita.

Solo una parte...... ma basta.

Antonio Gramsci
11 febbraio 1917
Bravi Luca e Paolo

Friday, February 18, 2011

What Is The Best Moped Conversion Kit


Per avere informazioni e conoscere il funzionamente delle macchine per lavorare il legno sto freguentando un corso di falegnameria.
Reputo il corso veramente interessante, oltre a utilizzare le attrezzature si utilizzano vernici e lacche.

Quindi riesco ad avere una vista di insieme di come si lavora il legno.


Thursday, February 17, 2011

How Much Does A Brazilian Wax Cost In Memphis


Unbelievable: the majority has taken € 30 million broadband for diverting to digital terrestrial television.
The latest in a series of decisions in which more than two years trying to discourage the Net

Keep in mind that the speed of our connections to the Web is at the bottom of the charts in Europe. Let us
the necessary conclusions.

Premier helps you more, is not sufficiently rich.


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

What Color Ribbon Is Throat Cancer


I installed UBUNTU 10.04 and I'm using, I would say, is excellent.
try unlike some time ago to use it well, I would like to take advantage of all features and all desktops.
on that later.


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Fatigue, Blurry Vision, Impotence


E. ... if they threw them all out, but even those who do not appear to have too many?

They make their own way and we just do not think minimally

Monday, February 14, 2011

How To Hack Club Nntendo


The school is the primary means for handling cultural and mental.
master the forms and conditions for children is on the agenda of every state, totalitarian or liberal and democratic it is.

must be very careful.

"None are more enslaved than he who believes without being free"

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

My Rook Piercing Swollen

Towards the vote in Salerno / support official application of the PDL

The Christian Democrats
denies supporting the candidacy of Antonio Cammarota for the post of mayor of the city of Salerno. The confirmation comes directly from the provincial secretary of the party, Dr. Luigi Pizza. "The Christian Democrats - says the Provincial Secretary Dr. Louis Pizza - support the candidacy for mayor of Salerno lawyer Anna Ferrazzano, denying further agreements with other candidates. That is the only application of Ferrazzano recognized by the People of Freedom, through its regional and provincial coordinator. The DC Salerno will work for the formation of a slate or a combination of several parties. We are a party of government rather than fight - says Louis Pizza - and in that sense it is our intention to ensure a political balance that reflects national agreements "

Monday, January 10, 2011

When I Drink My Body Hurts Why

Salerno capital Forgot? "Now event repairer"

SALERNO - The gaffe is quite significant. Salerno capital forgotten the first celebrations of the 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy is something that can not go unnoticed. Especially in Salerno that in terms of history, in addition to medical school this stage also include historical and political sign that the now famous "turning point". Exactly. From the residence of government Salerno that the foundations were laid for the constitution and the Republic. Three Governments to one driven by Bonomi who worked in Salerno on referendum. In just think that this government There were the likes of Badoglio, De Gasperi, Togliatti and Acilde. I mean other than "capital of transition" as considered by some immediately after the gaffe. The same constitutional Salerno would call worthy of being defined between the capitals of Italy. And he firmly believes Luigi Pizza, a former municipal councilor of Salerno, the provincial secretary of the Christian Democrats and the brother of Joseph Pizza, State Secretary for Education. And if the Secretary Salerno (national secretary of the historic Christian Democrats) has already suggested a ceremony of "restorative," Pizza Luigi looks at the whole story: "An unforgivable oversight that should be put away. From the point of view of form Salerno and the substance must be counted among the capital of Italy. Salerno was the seat of government and state at the time embodied by the King. " But then the doctor tells Pizza: "I remember two ceremonies were held in Salerno. I was a councilor when we celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of Salerno Capital Scalfaro while the presence of a subsequent ceremony (De Biase administration) saw the presence of the same Napolitano, Senator at the time, right here at Salerno. " "The city deserves - Pizza Luigi continues - to be repaid. We can not allow this obvious oversight. " On the "repairman" there is thinking the Secretary prepared to refer the matter to the Council of Ministers. "I am very sorry - he, in fact, said Giuseppe Pizza - now try to give proper recognition to Salerno, running for cover towards a serious protocol error by the President of the Republic. "