Sunday, July 4, 2010

Images For Wart On Lip

DC, a national congress at Eboli: Dario Palo

On June 25, 2010, at 18:30, at the premises of the Provincial section of Eboli, located in Via Cassese, No. 10, took place in the 1st national congress of the Christian Democrats that has seen the participation of all representatives of the City of Eboli, the City Administration, the press, as well as the representation of traders, and members of the population ebolitana .
presided over the Congress, the Executive Officer of the Provincial Secretary of the Christian Democrats dr. Gennaro Conte, assisted by the Deputy Provincial Secretary and Commissioner of the DC section of Eboli Francis Gaudreault.

Francis Gaudreault, after greeting all the numbers, opened the proceedings by relating the history of the Christian Democrats of Eboli and the reasons for the resurgence of this party which already has fifty members / activists, discussing briefly the following section of the political manifesto of Eboli: "The popular movement of Catholics and Democrats was the protagonist of the reconstruction of civil, moral and economic of our country, for decades, guiding his straordinario sviluppo.
Per questo la Democrazia Cristiana si pone a custode del suo grande patrimonio di esperienze e di valori, un partito popolare, democratico, nazionale, d’ispirazione cristiana, che concorre a guidare i processi di trasformazione della nostra società.

Definire un programma, selezionare una classe dirigente motivata, proporre sistemi di governo locale, ispirati ai principi di responsabilità e solidarietà, continuano ad essere altrettanti compiti della Democrazia Cristiana in linea con la sua posizione storica. Un Partito che fonde il proprio impegno sulla concretezza, senza ridursi a mera testimonianza.

Parte oggi con il 1°Congresso Cittadino il nuovo processo costitutivo della Christian Democratic Party of Eboli even after the Judgement of the Court of Rome, which ruled that the Christian Democratic Party, in its legal rapp.te Administrative Secretary Dr. Armando Lizzi and Political Secretary prof. Giuseppe Pizza, is the only legitimate owner of the use of the name is the symbol of the Christian Democrats who crossed shield. It 'an open process, open to all political parties, associations, movements and individuals that want to go to overcome the destructive tendency to division, fragmentation and transformation that has hitherto characterized the policy ebolitana. We Democrats we consider seed and leaven of a great new adventure and humane policy, committed to the end so that our ideas are not confined to the limbo of utopias, but can result in constructive engagement and concrete results of our political behavior, interests and safeguarding ebolitano of the people. "

Subsequently, the Congress President Dr. Rino Conte, meeting after reading the letter with the greeting and good wishes of the Mayor of Eboli, Martino Melchionda lawyer, called the guests to intervene, in order: The

President of City Council: Luca Sgroia
The Secretary of the Democratic Party: Donato Guercio
The Secretary of the Party of Liberty.: Fabrizio Violante
The Secretary of the Italian Communists. : Alfonso Del Vecchio
Secretary of the Communist Refoundation: Silvio Masilla
The Secretary of the UDC: Paul Polito
The Secretary of the Left and Freedom: The Damien Sage
The Secretary of the API: Benito Ingenito
The Secretary of the New PSI: Cosimo Benedict
The Town Council The Town Council Gerardo Rosania
Vito Busillo
Provincial Councillor Massimo Cariello
CONFESERCENTI President: Donato Santimone
Mr Henry Indelli
All participants, appreciating the strong participation of citizens and political authorities present , called for a constructive cooperation with the next section of the Christian Democrats of Eboli for growth in political, social, economic, and cultural production of our city, including the estimated staff who put in the person of Francis Gaudreault.
After the debate, the President of the Congress and the Commissioner of Section greet the political authorities and journalists present, giving rise to the internal workings of the 1st Congress of the Party of Christian Democracy. Speakers
order Raffaele Velella, John Forlano, Fatiha Chakir, Pierluigi Giarletta, Cosimo Corrado, Dario Palo, Mariano Champion, Kebir Habib, Anthony Inverso, Senator Michele, Lucia Rich.

After his speech, the Director of the Provincial Secretary of the Christian Democrats Dr Rino Conte proposes the organizational meeting of the Congress Steering Committee:
Administrative Secretary: JOHN FORLIANO
Committee: fourteen members