Monday, April 19, 2010

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National Council: Luigi Pizza in national leadership status in the Committee and the Ninety

Il Consiglio Nazionale della Democrazia Cristiana, riunito per la prima volta dopo il XXI Congresso presso l’hotel Princess e presieduto dall’On. Ugo Grippo, su indicazione del Segretario Nazionale Giuseppe Pizza e secondo le norme statutarie, ha provveduto alla elezione del Presidente e del Segretario Amministrativo del partito e della direzione nazionale . Sono stati eletti per acclamazione l’Avv. Alessandro Nasti alla carica di Presidente del Consiglio e Marco Bordi a quella di Segretario Amministrativo. Vice Presidenti del Consiglio Nazionale sono stati eletti l’On. Leone Manti e l’On. Franco Casillo. Il Consiglio National has also elected a special commission with the task of revising the organic statute of the party in the direction of Congress expressed dell'Ergife, the decentralization and simplification of the rules. The work and the Commission's proposals are approved, first by the Council and then by the specially convened immediately after the summer. For these reasons, the enrollment of 2009 was extended until November 2010. In the context of the statutory requirements the Secretary Giuseppe Pizza has not failed to highlight the desired coincidence of the work of the National Council of 18 April 2010 with the anniversary of the historic victory of the Christian Democrats of Alcide De Gasperi in 1948, a victory that allowed Italy to join the Atlantic Pact, to be among the protagonists of the new democratic Europe and to give depth to what would later be called "Italian economic miracle." The National Council also decided unanimously to take on a project of the testamentary dispositions of Hon. Mario Scelba, the great Sicilian, leading figure in Italy's return to democracy and the events that characterized the post-war period in the last century. The Hon. Scelba expressed in the testamentary wish that his remains could rest, in Caltagirone, in the same church where the remains are buried Don Luigi Sturzo, making loading the Christian Democrats and the local administration. The National Secretariat, based on indications of the National Council, is committed to the project of translation of the mortal remains of Hon Minister Mario Scelba and realize a Congress of Studies on the role of the eminent political figure and Democrat.
Here are the members of the National Directorate
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Dr. Luigi Pizza, provincial secretary of the Christian Democrats of Salerno, in addition to the National Leadership the Christian Democrats was elected to the Special Commission Statute. An important recognition for the province of Salerno, sign the work done on the ground and roots in the work of various local party and the entire province of the Shield Crusader.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

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Emilio Colombo: the wishes of the Christian Democrats

Holy Spirit in Sassia, 2006: being the twentieth congress of the Christian Democrats, the second by Giuseppe Pizza, the enfant terrible era of Democratic Amintore Fanfani.
The eye of the camera lingers among the distinguished guests Rai: so many, from Ignatius to Larussa Tonino Di Pietro, Romano Prodi - President of the Council in office - to Leoluca Orlando. The atmosphere is one of the great occasions, the climate of the pulmonary events that shake ITIC public opinion. Suddenly, slowly but without hesitation and with a firm step, step onto the platform Emilio Colombo, one of the myths of the Christian Democrats, the youth of Catholic Action in 1946, to power, he would have slapped election Francesco Saverio Nitti, rather than 26,000 slaps, going to sail in the history of our country. Remember Joseph Pizza, secretary of the Christian Democrats and the current Secretary of the Ministry of Education, University and Research. "What Emilio Colombo was a masterful speech clarity and passion for clarity, the ability to look far beyond the everyday, the invitation to understand and defend freedom and the Constitution, a heritage of ideas, the course teacher of the Christian Democrats, by De Gasperi to Moro Flaminio Piccoli ". The meeting seemed to vibrate with the passions of the past, a storm of applause accompanied the last words of Emilio Colombo, a thousand delegates crazy ear the rhythm of "Bianci. "That clarity and that clarity - says Giuseppe Pizza - accompany Emilio Colombo today, ninety. A power, at the inauguration of the academic year, was brilliant and practical than ever. "Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of the Treasury, President of the European Union, Emilio Colombo has marked all steps and swivels important in the second half of the twentieth century, one of the few able to talk face to face with all the greats of the planet from Gromyko to Thatcher, the U.S. Secretary of State for East leaders. "For us Democrats, the political lesson of Emilio Colombo remains a key reference, the love for the Constitution and the construction of a democratic paths along which to restore credibility and breadth to the policy in a country that seems to lie down on the day to day where political education has almost disappeared and the role of parliamentarians and the electorate away from the territory. " A talk like this, it is still Giuseppe Pizza.
He adds, dopo di avere avuto un lungo colloquio telefonico con lo statista di Potenza, anche con il pensiero ai quarant’anni di amicizia ininterrotta : l’augurio di vivere ancora a lungo e in buona salute per Emilio Colombo si coniuga con la certezza che non mancherà di mettere a disposizione la sua esperienza e la sua capacità di analisi per orientare le scelte dei Democristiani nella direzione di una nuova positiva stagione che ponga fine alla diaspora e alla dispersione di un enorme patrimonio di cultura politica e di esperienza istituzionale. “Per quanto ci riguarda - sottolinea Giuseppe Pizza, a nome della democrazia Cristiana - noi siamo pronti”. ( servizio a cura di Nicola Di Monaco).
to Senator Emilio Colombo reach the wishes of the Salerno Provincial Secretary of the Christian Democrats, Dr. Luigi Pizza Party and Home Shield Crusader Salerno

Thursday, April 8, 2010

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Montecorvino Rovella, two assessors arrived in DC D'Aiutolo

DC There are two Councillors who have become part of the Committee led by Mayor D'Aiutolo. It's Saturday Morretta and Peter Landolfi (national secretary of the Christian Democrats). In particular, the young Peter Landolfi will focus on public education and school construction while Saturday Morretta (first elected in the list headed by the mayor of Aiutolo) is delegated to the market, cemetery services, housing, health, subsidiaries and the mountain community. A further step for the Christian Democrats came in the joints of Cava de 'Tirreni (with Caramel sauce), Castel San Giorgio (with Joseph Alfano) and Montecorvino Rovella (with Saturday Morretta and Peter Landolfi). Satisfaction was expressed by the Secretary of the Province of Salerno Christian Democrats, Dr. Luigi Pizza for the appointment of two Executive Councillors in D'Aiutolo and the important results achieved by the Crusader Shield on the Salerno area.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

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Castel San Giorgio, Alfano new councilor in

E 'Giuseppe Alfano's new commissioner of the DC Board Longanella in Castel San Giorgio. Dr. Joseph Alfano, national secretary of the Christian Democrats and among the first elected nella lista capeggiata dall'attuale Sindaco Franco Longanella, è entrato a far parte dell'esecutivo cittadino con un ruolo determinante e fondamentale. Un vero super assessore che si occuperà di lavori pubblici, infrastrutture, bilancio e programmazione economica.
Ulteriore soddisfazione, dopo la nomina di un assessore Dc nella Giunta di Cava de' Tirreni, è stata espressa dal Segretario Provinciale di Salerno della Democrazia Cristiana, dottor Luigi Pizza, per l'importante riconoscimento che il neo Sindaco, dottor Franco Longanella ha voluto dare al dottor Giuseppe Alfano, per il contributo portato alla vittoria elettorale e per l'impegno profuso negli anni per la cittadina di Castel San Giorgio.

the next few hours could be made official, the Board of Montecorvino Rovella. Again members of the Christian Democrats (in the list headed by D'Aiutolo), Saturday Morretta (first elected) and Peter Landolfi (national secretary of the Christian Democrats) could join the team of city government.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

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The DC Board of Cava de 'Tirreni

The new Mayor of Cava de 'Tirreni, prof. Marco Galdi has appointed its new City Council . In house executive also enters Salsano Carmine, a member of D emocrazia Christian national secretary and national leader of the Shield Crusader that will be the assessor for productive activities. Great satisfaction was expressed by the Secretary of the Province of Salerno Dc, Dr Luigi Pizza to appoint a representative to the DC Board of Cava de 'Tirreni. Sign of recognition from the neo Mayor, prof. Marco Galdi, the contribution made by the DC in the recent administrative consultations. The Christian Democrats are also present in the City Council with John Salsano, first elected in the list of the Shield Crusader. In the coming days, the provincial secretary of the DC Salerno, Luigi Pizza will meet in Cava de 'Tirreni, members of the list that has participated in local elections the City Council, Councillor John Salsano and neo Carmine Salsano.