Sunday, September 13, 2009

Pain Anus Menstruating

COUNTERPOINT - Something secret

In the middle of the large amount of photographic material, documentation,
in the midst of all the pre-and post-production,
I selected a few examples of everything was fantastic,
first experience of working with short

Something secret

Direction - Alessandro Riva
Screenplay by - Alessandro Riva, Angelo Ricci, Elisa Ghiretti, Giulio Nicoli
Interpreti - Alex Cendron, Viola di Lauro, Giovanna Albertoni, Marco Pezza
Direttore della fotografia - Angelo Ricci
Storyboard, scenografia, segretaria di edizione - Elena Casiglio
Aiuto regia - Elisa Ghiretti
Operatore - Ivana Smudja
Tecnici del suono - Marco Monti, Martin Rinaldi
Fotografia di scena - Federica Longhin

Un paio di esempi dei quadri
apparsi nel cortometraggio.

Two pages of the storyboard.
The first trial in connection with a storyboard.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Gay Sauna Richmond Va


Here I am after a considerable amount of time.
I'll be back to update my work ... But in the written form!
So all this time in the absence of certain
I was not with our hands!
I received a tempting as it was unexpected proposal: to take care of the storyboard of a short film concluded, inter alia today.
The film will be directed by Riva Alexandria (student last year of the Director at the IED in Milan)
and soon begins filming!
Storyboard must be in addition to even the creation of several paintings that appear in the film.
For now, the projects are top secret! ;)

I hope to soon add more details and perhaps some images document.
you soon! =)

Monday, March 30, 2009

Brazilian Wax With A Baboon

job done in tempera.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

An Acrostic Poem From Peru

Butterfly Dance School

old work in pastel.
I hope you enjoy it.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Jcpenney Hair Salon Products Chi

Fairies Fairies

Le presentazioni di tutti e quattro i personaggi che popolavano
la mia storia.
I miei follettini!

Makin Waves Costume Orlando


Ecco un paio di esercitazioni per il tratteggio.
Tecnica che non mi dispiace affatto.
Queste immagini sono prese da altre tutte preesistenti ma,
per un'esercitazione andavano molto bene

Free Beautiful Agony Stream

Tenete conto che le parti bianche sono poi occupate dal testo. My
Follettina starting to bicker!

Save Game Pokemon On Gb4iphone

Even this picture helped me for the same project.
I must say that I really like this!

Does The Irs Send Mail

Another illustration that I used for the project year-end to the school of comics.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Eminent Luggage Lock Reset


Study design chimpanzees.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Why Women Are Jealous Of Other Women

Still Life

Another illustration of this school year end in the draft.

Keri Leigh Tucker Death

figure with the face of an owl.

Misty, Dawn Y May Hot

Elephant Barn

Study of chub.
Executed in watercolor.

Are Lip Warts Painful

Chub Fox

Elephant run with a dash rapidoliner.

Lucasville Flea Market Schedule 2010

Volpe made of dots with rapidoliner.